Script that sends a simple summary of ConfigMgr OS Deployments that happened in
last day as an HTML-formatted email. It gives you the start and finish
date/time, duration and model for each computer deployed (where the information
is available in SCCM). You can scheduled a task to send this report every day
for an information on new machine deployment overview in environment in
aspect of closing the vulnerability on new build machines.
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned -Force $ErrorActionPreference
# Write-Host "*******************************************************************************"
# Write-Host "Date : 14/05/2019"
# Write-Host "Author : Sunil Gupta"
# Write-Host "Requires : PowerShell V2"
# Write-Host "*******************************************************************************"
#requires -Version 2
# Database info
$dataSource = 'x.x.x.x' # SQLServer\Instance
$database = 'CM_P01' # Database name
$TimeInHours = '24' # 168 = 7 days
$OSDTaskSequences = "
'Windows 10 Pro 1803',
'Windows 7 ENt X64'
" # Name/s of your OSD Task Sequences
#Email params
$EmailParams = @{
To = 'Sunil Kumar Gupta <>'
Cc = 'Sunil Kumar Gupta <>'
From = 'Sunil Kumar Gupta <>'
Smtpserver = 'x.x.x.x'
Subject = "Operating System Deployment Daily Report $(Get-Date -Format dd-MMM-yyyy)"
$results = @()
$connectionString = "Server=$dataSource;Database=$database;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
$connection = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString
$Query = "
select distinct tes.ResourceID
from vSMS_TaskSequenceExecutionStatus tes
inner join v_TaskSequencePackage tsp on tes.PackageID = tsp.PackageID
where tsp.Name in ($OSDTaskSequences)
and DATEDIFF(hour,ExecutionTime,GETDATE()) < $TimeInHours
$command = $connection.CreateCommand()
$command.CommandText = $Query
$reader = $command.ExecuteReader()
$table = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Data.DataTable'
foreach ($ResourceID in $table.Rows.ResourceID)
$Query = "
Select (select top(1) convert(datetime,ExecutionTime,121)
from vSMS_TaskSequenceExecutionStatus tes
inner join v_R_System sys on tes.ResourceID = sys.ResourceID
inner join v_TaskSequencePackage tsp on tes.PackageID = tsp.PackageID
where tsp.Name in ($OSDTaskSequences)
and DATEDIFF(hour,ExecutionTime,GETDATE()) < $TimeInHours
and LastStatusMsgName = 'The task sequence execution engine started execution of a task sequence'
and Step = 0
and tes.ResourceID = $ResourceID
order by ExecutionTime desc) as 'Start',
(select top(1) convert(datetime,ExecutionTime,121)
from vSMS_TaskSequenceExecutionStatus tes
inner join v_R_System sys on tes.ResourceID = sys.ResourceID
inner join v_TaskSequencePackage tsp on tes.PackageID = tsp.PackageID
where tsp.Name in ($OSDTaskSequences)
and DATEDIFF(hour,ExecutionTime,GETDATE()) < $TimeInHours
and LastStatusMsgName = 'The task sequence execution engine successfully completed a task sequence'
and tes.ResourceID = $ResourceID
order by ExecutionTime desc) as 'Finish',
(Select name0 from v_R_System sys where sys.ResourceID = $ResourceID) as 'ComputerName',
(select Model0 from v_GS_Computer_System comp where comp.ResourceID = $ResourceID) as 'Model'
$command = $connection.CreateCommand()
$command.CommandText = $Query
$reader = $command.ExecuteReader()
$table = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Data.DataTable'
if ($table.rows[0].Start.GetType().Name -eq 'DBNull')
$Start = ''
$Start = $table.rows[0].Start
if ($table.rows[0].Finish.GetType().Name -eq 'DBNull')
$Finish = ''
$Finish = $table.rows[0].Finish
if ($Start -eq '' -or $Finish -eq '')
$diff = $null
$diff = $Finish-$Start
$PC = New-Object -TypeName psobject
Add-Member -InputObject $PC -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $table.rows[0].ComputerName
Add-Member -InputObject $PC -MemberType NoteProperty -Name StartTime -Value $table.rows[0].Start
Add-Member -InputObject $PC -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FinishTime -Value $table.rows[0].Finish
if ($Start -eq '' -or $Finish -eq '')
Add-Member -InputObject $PC -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DeploymentTime -Value ''
Add-Member -InputObject $PC -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DeploymentTime -Value $("$($diff.hours)" + ' hours ' + "$($diff.minutes)" + ' minutes')
Add-Member -InputObject $PC -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Model -Value $table.rows[0].Model
$results += $PC
$results = $results | Sort-Object -Property ComputerName
$Query = "
select sys.Name0 as 'ComputerName',
tsp.Name 'Task Sequence',
comp.Model0 as Model,
from vSMS_TaskSequenceExecutionStatus tes
left join v_R_System sys on tes.ResourceID = sys.ResourceID
left join v_TaskSequencePackage tsp on tes.PackageID = tsp.PackageID
left join v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM comp on tes.ResourceID = comp.ResourceID
where tsp.Name in ($OSDTaskSequences)
and DATEDIFF(hour,ExecutionTime,GETDATE()) < $TimeInHours
and tes.ExitCode not in (0,-2147467259)
Order by tes.ExecutionTime desc
$command = $connection.CreateCommand()
$command.CommandText = $Query
$reader = $command.ExecuteReader()
$table = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Data.DataTable'
# Send html email
$style = "
body {
font-family: ""Trebuchet MS"", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}
font-size: 10pt;
h1 {
h2 {
border-top:1px solid #666666;
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
font-family: ""Trebuchet MS"", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
th {
font-size: 1.2em;
text-align: left;
padding-top: 5px;
padding-bottom: 4px;
background-color: #1FE093;
color: #ffffff;
th, td {
font-size: 1em;
border: 1px solid #1FE093;
padding: 3px 7px 2px 7px;
$body1 = $results |
Select-Object -Property ComputerName, StartTime, FinishTime , DeploymentTime, Model |
ConvertTo-Html -Head $style -Body "
<H2>Operating System Deployment Daily Report $(Get-Date -Format dd-MMM-yyyy)</H2>
" |
$body2 = $table |
Select-Object -Property ComputerName, 'Task Sequence', Model, ExecutionTime, Step, GroupName, ActionName, LastStatusMsgName, ExitCode, ActionOutput |
ConvertTo-Html -Head $style -Body "
<H2>OS Deployment Errors This Week ($($table.Rows.Count))</H2>
" |
# $Body = $body1 + $body2
$Body = $body1
Send-MailMessage @EmailParams -Body $Body -BodyAsHtml
# Close the connection